- Angry Birds Transformers
- Rovio Entertainment Corporation
OS: IOS AndroId
Version: 7.31
Updated: Sep 13, 2022
Size: 157.6 MB
Developer: Azur Interactive Games Limited
QofQ games only includes the official package of the game, and all links jump to the official platforms such as the App Store and Nintendo. There is no malware, and it is not shared with developers. Please feel free to click.
Online battles with millions of players from around the world! Tune your weapons, upgrade your character and win! Features: - Dynamic battles 5x5 team mode, with up to 10 players in the \"Deathmatch\" with ranks and matchmaking! - Easy control with the ability to autoshoot (can be disabled in settings)! - Good optimization and high FPS! - More than 20 carefully designed and balanced maps! - More than 50 units of different types of weapons! - Weapon customization: sights, silencers, lasers, increased clips, compensators and much more! - More than 100 of the skins for weapons! - More than 45 clothes for character customization! - Beautiful graphics, not occupying much space on your device! - Clans with the possibility of doing clan wars!
This is a great shooter, with great potential. He is accelerated and easy to play by all media. The tutorial is simple, teaches you the various base mechanics that build the game from the bottom up, and you can take the rest alone. The lack of high graphics of people and soft animations leads to a small delay, and things work quite easily. Thank you, Nobodyshot Ltd., you have made a masterpiece. Best game in history! Great quality and has really good graphics. I strongly recommend anyone who likes a challenge. This game requires a quite strong Wi -Fi signal, so be sure to do it before starting to play, and you can configure whether you prefer to be in Auto Fire or not. Again, very good game, and I hope everyone experiences it at least once! I enjoy the game, I still do it. However, this new way of entering death and team matches is problematic. You have to wait a good minute just for 10 players to fall. I liked the old system where you entered a random coincidence at a random time. I would like that back Great game. It is wonderful to play. It could be a bit more generous with rewards, but it is still not bad in any way. I would like to see more game modes such as Bombtuse or King of the Hill. Edit: There must be a better way to keep accounts. I can\'t play my main account on my iPad because it doesn\'t have Google Play. Maybe a FB session or something could help. I hope you read this. Thank you Honestly, I love this game, I am so addicted to him, he has some kind of problems, although 1: sometimes the delay 2: sometimes there are hackers 3: there are some errors 4: sweats in the diamond league are the majority of The Times Using AIM BO