- Bad Piggies
- Rovio Entertainment Corporation
OS: IOS AndroId
Version: 2.0
Updated: Sep 29, 2016
Size: 50.5 MB
Developer: BDA Entertainment
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Serious strategy. Real gamers. Realm of Empires is a game like no other. Guide your fledgling empire from its beginnings as a single, small village. Order your peasants to construct new buildings. Grow your village into a town. Research innovations, and recruit the troops you need to defend yourself - or to go on the attack. Surrounding your lands are other real players seeking to do the same. You can befriend them, form alliances and clans, and work together to strengthen your hold on a hostile landscape. Or you can crush the fools for being in your way - by word or by sword, the world is yours to conquer!
The game is really incredible. I have returned for years. It\'s 2022 and I\'m still playing. The game itself is similar to civilizations in some way. Just think, real people and not based on the turn but on time. Everything costs time. Buildings, troops and even sending your army to war. Everything must be planned to climb on top as the king! Very fun, it is worth staying until you learn and are active in a clan. Otherwise, I\'m afraid you won\'t like this game. Player back from the first servers. I returned recently using the mobile version (I was in progress when I played years ago) and I thought of justice to the original game. I am still learning what changes have arisen since then, but I am happy with things until now. Updated review: I was surprised by this game. It is a call to other great RTS such as Tribal Wars or Ikariam. You do not expect more than 100 days for a building to be updated and the game has a small but incredible group of remaining players. There are some P2W. But, he will say that a small amount of money gives you a lot of time. The quantity and how often you can launch \"spells\" to accelerate things is limited. This game is very refreshing and a good break from other payment games to win. You are not at a disadvantage like F2P too This game issues an environment of realism that other mobile games with characters from silly cartoonists simply not. It is very against the typical P2W styles and feels that you can really create an empire instead of being just a slave to a great alliance. However, I still have great alliances, I would prefer that it be eliminated or limited to being realistic alliances such as PC games such as Universalis Europe. It is still one of my favorites for the mobile platform. I had fun with this game a few years ago and I will return to that now. Still fun with a simple design that requires strategy and politik in the last stages of conquest.